sono tornata!
scusatemi in questi giorni non ho avuto modo di postare!
sono sempre a miami e il tempo è strano,pare che questa sera avremo una tempesta :S
in ogni caso sto sperimentando un look abbastanza easy, tenendo conto del mix di vento e caldo!
sto infatti prendendo spunto dal guardaroba di mia mamma, dove mi sono potuta concedere l' outfit di oggi: KIMONO :)
è delizioso, viola ( colore che non mi ha mai fatto impazzire ma in questo caso ho fatto una eccezione), e fresco!
abbinato ad un nuovo acquisto, ovvero i sandali e la borsa nera.
see ya!
I'm back!
these days sorry I have not had time to post!
are still in Miami and the weather is strange, it seems that tonight we have a storm: D
in any case I'm experimenting with a look quite easy, taking into account the mix of wind and heat!
I am indeed inspired from the wardrobe of my mother, where I could grant 'outfit today: KIMONO:)
is delicious, purple (color that I have never made a fool but in this case I made an exception), and fresh!
combined with a new purchase, or sandals and the black market.
see ya!
I'm back!
these days sorry I have not had time to post!
are still in Miami and the weather is strange, it seems that tonight we have a storm: D
in any case I'm experimenting with a look quite easy, taking into account the mix of wind and heat!
I am indeed inspired from the wardrobe of my mother, where I could grant 'outfit today: KIMONO:)
is delicious, purple (color that I have never made a fool but in this case I made an exception), and fresh!
combined with a new purchase, or sandals and the black market.
see ya!

RispondiEliminaVery nice!I love the way you combined the kimono and the bag with the asiatic particular...
RispondiEliminaonly I think that may you should show more the clothes in the photos... in the majority of your older posts and in this one can be a little bit difficult to understand the details of some clothes...